one child, one smile, one day at a time!


100% of all donations go directly to our families in need. GlicksGiving is a fully accredited public charity under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code which allows for donations to be tax deductible for our generous donors. 

GlicksGiving's purpose is to provide short term financial assistance to (i) inner-city children and (ii) children of our military's families, so that these children have the opportunity to improve their situation and at least for one night "go to sleep with a smile." 

Recipients are identified primarily through relationships with:

  • Chicago Public School principals, counselors, social workers, etc.
  • American Red Cross Family Assistance Program
  • Local military support groups
  • Word of mouth

Assistance ranges from tens of dollars to several thousand per case and provides individual children (and their families) with tangible goods such as clothing, shelter, school tuition, music instruments, club/school/sport activity fees, food, medicine, and much more.